5 Technical Ways to Improve Your Music Post Completing Music Production Courses in Mumbai

Becoming an expert and accomplished music producer is a long procedure. Whether you want to produce good music at home or work in the industry with other top-notch producers, the journey will test your efforts and patience. That is why; you have to constantly learn and unlearn and develop new skills even after completing a course in music production.
Remember that improving your ultimate music production work is the goal, and here are few ways you can do so.

1.Focus on Compression Techniques

A big mistake that amateur music producers frequently commit is not paying attention to volume, frequency and panning. When you gain down on the individual channels of the mixer, there is no sound. As a result, the audio starts clipping with more sounds getting layer together. To fix this, you need to master the art of compressing and mixing. Compression is what is needed to reduce the variation between a single audio channel’s lowest and highest gain levels. You can then easily turn up the volume without clipping.

2.Learn EQ

Learning EQ and working on it helps in reducing what is refer to as ‘muddy sound’. When you reduce the frequency to somewhere below 30 Hz on your track, a low end rumble clogs up the mix. The problem increases as you add more elements within this frequency range. However, if you are using an EQ to roll off the range on each of the elements, the muddiness of the sound will be replaced by increased space and clarity.

3.Don’t Overdo Effects

This is another mistake that beginner music producers commit even after being certified through one of these music production courses in Mumbai. Music producers often engage in too much processing and the effect is a hectic and muddled sound. You should use reverb to get rid of this issue. However, the thumb rule of using reverb is to get the reverb processor on a particular channel, arrive at the desired sound reverb character and then turn the channel down to nothing and gradually bring it back to track.

4.Avoid Over Limiting

Limiting is an important process but music producers often end up abusing it. This is a more relevant problem today as there is an increasing need to create louder tracks. With over limiting, the track becomes flat with no peaks and troughs and even less dynamic range. It sounds loud but unnatural. That is why; striking a balance between loudness and dynamic range is very crucial.

5.Don’t Get Stuck in Loop – Music Production

While loops are integral parts of modern music and a few addictive loops have led to some great tunes, getting stuck with it is definitely avoidable. Even if you want to use the sample repetitively, try to transform it by shaping or modulating it in a way that there is some variation and therefore, elements of interest for listeners. As you progress towards excellence in music production, try collaborating with people in the music industry and you might just get that long deserved break.